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Find the source on Github I have got Asianet Broadband connection and they require me to log in inorder to have an internet connection. In Android whenever I log in, Android keeps the browser app alive only for about 15 minutes. So I used to get logged out frequently. I was fed up of this, and because of a Developer’s itch, I developed an Android app - Immortal Login. It is a very simple app and took only about 2 hours to create it completely. The app have got a web view using which the user can log in to a site. Then upon the pressing of a Start button, my activity starts a service. Since the activity has got a service, the app will not be killed by the Android system (at least it’ll try not to kill the app :)). Taadaa thats it.. you have got an Immortal Login app. Now there is no hassle of frequent log outs! The app works with any ISP site. Also it need not be an ISP website, it can be any site which you want to keep alive so as not to get logged out :) The app is currently used by me and my friends who use this ISP. I have also got downloads and positive comments from users who use BSNL connection.